Lars Winkelbauer — Carbon Footprint Reduction in Air Cargo: Innovative Solutions

Lars Winkelbauer
3 min readJan 12, 2024


The world economy depends on the use of air cargo that makes it easier, simpler and safer to get goods from other countries. Moreover, since air carriers use fuel and a substantial amount of energy, shipping by air pollutes the environment. It has been revealed that air freight accounts for up to 2% of man-made CO2 emissions.

How can we make sure that air freight doesn’t hurt the environment while still being reliable and effective? These ideas aim to create an air shipping system that is human-friendly, eco-friendly, and durable.

How Air Cargo Works with Other Transport Modes

One of the ways to make air cargo less polluting is to work with other transport modes, such as trains, trucks, and ships. We will explore Lars Winkelbauer — Dynamics of Air Cargo Through Intermodal Integration. Instead of flying goods straight from where they are made to where they are needed, they can be moved by train or truck to a nearby airport, then flown to another airport, and then moved by train or truck again to the final place. This can make the distance and time that goods spend in the air shorter and lower fuel use and emissions.

Also, intermodal integration can make the customer experience and happiness better, as it can give more information and clarity on the shipment status and location, as well as faster and cheaper delivery.

Lars Winkelbauer — Carbon Footprint Reduction in Air Cargo: Innovative Solutions

How Air Cargo Uses Digital Payments and Puts Customers First

Another way to make air cargo less polluting is to understand Lars Winkelbauer — Digital Payments and the Customer-Centric Revolution in Air Cargo. Digital payments can make the payment process easier and faster, reducing the need for paper bills, receipts, and documents. This can save time, money, and resources. It can also make it more open and responsible, as it can give real-time data and information on the payment status and history.

Putting customers first can also help to make air cargo less polluting, as it can make more cooperation and communication between the air cargo providers and the customers. This can help to balance the demand and supply of air cargo, as well as the space and use of the aircraft. For example, by sharing data and information on the shipment size, weight, and place, the air cargo providers can plan and choose the best aircraft and route for each shipment, avoiding wasting or overusing the space and fuel.


Making air cargo less polluting is not only a challenge but also a chance. It can help to improve the environment, society, and economy of the air cargo industry, as well as the happiness and trust of the customers. By using cool ideas, such as working with other transport modes and using digital payments, the air cargo industry can show its care and duty to sustainability and climate action.



Lars Winkelbauer

Lars Winkelbauer living in New York (NY) has over 20 years of extensive experience in aviation, air cargo, and supply chain management across the world